Here are the Masters of the Fibre Guild, with their location and textile interests:
- Countess Margie of Glen More spinning, knitting and weaving
- Dame Miriam Galbraith (Stormhold) spinning, card weaving and knitting
- Mistress Rohese de Fairhurst (Stowe-on-the-Wowld, Rowany) knitting and sprang
- Countess Mathilde Adycote of Menhiot
- Mistress Joie Tigre d’Argentona (Politarchopolis) tapestry weaving, felting, tablet weaving, fingerlooping
- Mistress Amalie von Brisache (Southron Gaard) tablet weaving
Additionally, Countess Leonore d’Scotia was a Master of the guild before she passed away in 2015