Tablet weaving modelled on Chasuble of St Wofgang, 1050. 3/1 Broken Twill, Silk warp and weft, gold brocade.
Amalie von Brisache.
Tablet woven plain weave, St Maurice monestary, 8-10th century, silk.
Amalie von Brisache.

Mammen band, silk and linen warp, silk weft and soumak, sterling and real gold brocade.
Amalie von Brisache.
Naalbinding socks, Wool, coppergate/york stitch (based on the Coppergate sock, Viking era).
Aliena de Savigny

Webbing – cottolin, straight twill with centre directional threading change and weft direction change.
Victoria Thrakesis
Hand dyed wool – blues (woad), green (woad overdyed with saffron), grey (alkanet with soda ash), brown (alkanet with alum), dark red (cochineal), mid tone red (cochineal and madder with alum), red (madder with alum), dull yellow (weld with alum), bright yellow (saffron), natural white undyed wool (base yarn used for all dyed yarn shown).
Victoria Thrakesis

Wool fabric for general projects – wool, herringbone weave.
Victoria Thrakesis
“Weave a napkin” class demonstration piece – cottolin, plain weave.
Victoria Thrakesis

Fabric for a 14thC hood – yellow wool, straight twill weave.
Victoria Thrakesis
Winingas – wool, herringbone pattern weave. Victoria Thrakesis

Winingas – wool, herringbone pattern weave.
Victoria Thrakesis
Napkin detail – cottolin, chevron and diamond twill weave.
Victoria Thrakesis

Towel detail – cottolin, chevron and diamond twill weave.
Victoria Thrakesis
Weaving, cloth. Full album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/simonehindin/sets/72157668744398050/
Eleonora van den Bogaerde.

Weaving, blanket. Full album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/simonehindin/sets/72157651014975812/
Eleonora van den Bogaerde.
Tapestry. Full album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/simonehindin/sets/72157677760547453/
Eleonora van den Bogaerde.

Perugia towel, cotton warp, linen weft, perle cotton pattern weft.
Thordis Haraldsdottir
Perugia towel, detail.
Thordis Haraldsdottir