Wardens of the guild:

  • Serve as a conduit of information between the local group and the officers of the guild
  • Are a point of contact for people in your area who want to be involved in the guild
  • Encourage people locally to be involved in guild activities and the fibre arts

Current Wardens

As we have been inactive for some time, all warden positions are currently vacant.

If you would like to become the warden for your group (or if your group is not listed here), please contact the Head of the Guild. We would love for all groups know about our guild!

  • Barony of River Haven (Brisbane, QLD): Vacant
  • Barony of St Florian de la Riviere (South Brisbane, QLD): Vacant
  • Barony of Mordenvale (Newcastle, NSW): Vacant
  • Barony of Rowany (Sydney, NSW): Vacant
  • Shire of Bordescros (Albury and Wagga Wagga, NSW): Vacant
  • Barony of Stormhold (Melbourne): Vacant
  • Barone of Krae Glas (Southeast Melbourne): Vacant
  • Barony of Politarchopolis (ACT): Vacant
  • Barony of Innilgard (SA): Vacant
  • Barony of Ynys Fawr (Tasmania): Vacant
  • Barony of Aneala (Perth, WA): Vacant
  • Barony of Ildhafn (Auckland, NZ): Vacant
  • Barony of Southron Gaard (South Island, NZ) Vacant